This is a perfect crystallization of the ugliness that has infiltrated and poisoned our nation in recent months. All the crazy juice that people have been drinking, from town hall meetings to tea bag protests to birther rallies - it all came into focus in this one, nationally-televised WTF moment.
When those elected to represent us publicly embrace the angry mob mentality, in the hallowed halls of Congress no less, we all have to realize that the lunatics have truly taken over the asylum.
And so I am posting the content of an email I sent earlier this evening to Representative Wilson, and I encourage all of you who found his actions inexcusable to do the same. His address is While you're at it, let the Speaker of the House know that you support official Congressional censure for the "gentleman" from South Carolina:
Representative Wilson - I realize that, because I am not a member of your constituency, my opinion may be irrelevant to you. However, I am first and foremost an American citizen, and my allegiance to this great nation and the principles on which it was founded mean far more to me than my place of residence or my party affiliation. I would have expected that, as an elected member of Congress, you would share my "Country First" attitude, but your deplorable actions during the President's address before the joint session of Congress have proven otherwise.
I feel compelled to write to you because, even though you were not elected to represent me or the place where I live specifically, you were elected to serve the country and to advance the best interests of its people. This is something you failed to do tonight, and I must protest in the strongest possible terms the way you have contributed to the backwards momentum of public debate in this country. I have watched political events on television for decades and have never witnessed such an utter lack of respect for the President. In addition, the tactic you used devalued your own office as well. You should be ashamed, sir, and I would not be surprised if many of your constituents were ashamed of you as well.
Unfortunately, I realize that in this partisan world in which we live, you may also have many constituents who applaud you for having the "courage" to yell at the President during his address. Make no mistake, those who do are part of the problem, just as you have become tonight. Your outburst served no purpose other than to underline the sorry state of American political discourse. You and those who may support or Heaven forbid, emulate you, will have much to answer for when the process of open discussion and debate in this country finally buckles under the weight of the unchecked anger, fear and self-righteousness of those who respect no boundaries, or even the Golden Rule, in their efforts to drown out the words of others with whom they do not agree.
You have already issued an apology - I am in no position to say how sincere it is, or whether it was merely another act of political self-interest. I do know that many Americans share my disgust and will be letting you and the rest of the political world know how we feel, whether it matters to you or not. Frankly, what I and others think shouldn't even enter into it. You should already know yourself that what you did was uncalled for and unacceptable - we the people should not need to tell you that, but since we have been forced to do so by your lack of self-awareness, I do hope you will listen.

I am dissapointed with Senator McCain chastising Rep. Wilson for shouting the truth while on national television the President continues to lie and lie and lie. Such villany deserves no respect. The disrespect for the office of the presidency by Obama is the truth of the matter.
I also will be writing to Representative Wilson to say Hooray! for shouting the truth; and Boo! for apologizing for shouting the truth. To shout the truth was heroic strength. I am sorry that his strength of spine did not last and that he gave in to pressure and apologized for calling a lie a lie. He said in his apology that his emotions got the better of him. Seems to me that emotions are natural to humanity and very useful in stirring us to right action. We out here are getting really angry about the stealing of our Republic and we need voices in the Government that reflect that anger. I have become allergic to smiley face NICE . As for appropriate place, I can think of no time and place more appropriate then while the President stands there and lies to Americas elected representatives.
As for Senator McCain... would that he find his spine. I am fed up with his and other Republicans appeasing behavior. You cannot negotiate with villany. And it is indeed villany that is being foisted on us. I think of all those in the past that sat on there hands, stomachs churning, while the Democrats lied and cheated their way to power, while yelling "Be NICE!" And now our Republic is in the hands of those who would dismantle it. You cannot appease the bully liars. You have got to punch them in the nose with the truth and put them on the ground. We cannot be nice in the face of villany... rather we must find the spine to state the truth at every opportunity. This is a fight for our country, for our way of life... and Republicans are busy saying "can't we all just get along?" and "don't taze me bro!" It is time, the Republican Party take its head from between its legs, stand up and start getting angry! Maybe then more will find the courage to shout out "You Lie!" Without such courageous voices, the despots of the world come to power.
I remain angry and proud of it.
Mary Carroll
Thanks Joe, for having the courage to say
what many of us believe!
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