The horror of human trafficking: Emma Thompson's Journey

Folks, I try to keep informed about the world around me. But, like most relatively comfortable Americans, I really don't have a clue about the things that go on every day in many less fortunate parts of the world. One example of this is the plight of human trafficking.

I recently came upon an article discussing this topic - specifically, the trafficking of women into a forced life in the sex trade. The article was an interview with English actress Emma Thompson, who works with a British organization called the Helen Bamber Foundation to publicise and drum up public support on this issue. Last year, Emma Thompson put together a project which drew upon the experiences of one of the many women forced into this hellish situation, and illuminated the experience from start to finish.

The result was an interactive installation called Journey, which was a collaborative effort with several acclaimed artists. It was presented in London's Trafalgar Square a year ago, and has since been exhibited elsewhere around the world. It will be coming to the US sometime in 2009; Thompson says she is attempting to get clearance to set the installation up in New York in the spring.

I cannot put into words how brutally moving this installation is. It forces the viewer to see this life for what it is, and to see how cruelly and mercilessly these women are treated. With the promise of a good job in another country, impoverished women are lured from their families and homes to become pawns in the sex trade, existing in relative slavery and forced to endure physical, mental, and emotional horors which no human being should ever have to live through.

I wanted to share the information here, in the hopes that more of us might become educated and aware of this issue. I do realize that it's easier not to look, and I will warn you that the links below will take you to material which you may find very difficult to watch or read. But if you want to make a difference, please check these out and spread the word. The more people know about this situation, the more we can use our energies to try and fight it. Donate to the cause, write to a governmental official, join the Facebook group for the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking ( affiliated with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), and keep your eyes open. Most importantly, don't look away.

Emma Thompson narrates a short overview of the Journey installation:

A public service announcement on behalf of the UNGIFT:

Information about human trafficking from the UNODC:

Hear that sound?

That's the dull thump of the other shoe dropping.

Those of us who supported and voted for Barack Obama have been riding pretty high lately. It's tough not to be happy - giddy, even - when you've worked or hoped for his victory and seen it come to pass. And to observe the groundswell of approval he has received from the American public during this transition, it has truly felt as if we, as a nation, had made a major shift into a more positive zone after 8 long, horrible years.

Of course, the cynic in me has had to take a back seat to my optimistic side for several weeks now. But my cynicism wasn't dead, only dormant. This week, it was roused back into life by the senational, sad and utterly shocking stories regarding Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich.

Of course, the first thing we Obama-heads wanted to know was, "Did Obama have anything to do with this?" So far, the prosecutor involved in this case, U.S.  attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, has stressed that the president-elect is not under investigation, nor is he accused or suspected of any wrongdoing at this time. If anything, much of the information that has appeared in the media indicates that Blagojevich actively dislikes Obama, and has been especially blunt in his criticism and complaints regarding Obama and his transition team. All of this ought to comfort the faithful, and assure us that our next president hasn't let us down by rooting around in the mud with this guy.

And yet...I am getting a bad feeling about this. I know it may be bad form on my part, but I can't help thinking that there may be more to this than Obama's letting on. I don't necessarily believe that there will be any solid links to the pay-for-play political maneuvering that Blagojevich was practicing. But there have just been a few things that smell kinda funny in the wake of these revelations.

First of these has been the statement made by David Axelrod, last month, indicating that the president-elect had spoken to Blagojevich about possible candidates to fill his Senate seat. This statement was reported in the press when it was made in November, yet after the charges against Blagojevich were made public this week, Axelrod retracted it. He said he had been "mistaken" in saying that the men had discussed the Senate seat. Now, Obama is supposedly running a pretty tight ship, and any off-message comments made by his aides and advisers are dealt with swiftly and surely. Yet Axelrod's comment had stood, uncorrected, until this scandal reared its head. It begs the question: Why would this piece of misinformation be allowed to remain floating around for a month?

Another worrying item is the fact that Obama did not immediately respond in a clear, strong way to the news of Blagojevich's transgressions. Condemnation of the highest order was called for, but all Obama told the press was that he was "saddened" and "sobered" by the news. While others were already calling for Blagojevich to resign, Obama failed to do so until today.

Finally, there's just the simple issue of proximity. Obama has served the state of Illinois for years, and has never had a clue of this governor's behavior or temperament? It sounds as though Blagojevich has been quite vocal and not even slightly concerned about hiding his agenda from the crowd around him. Maybe I don't understand the nature of that state's political structure, but it just seems as if people throughout the state knew that this man was up to something, and I am hard pressed to believe that neither Obama nor the main players on his team knew anything about it before this week.

Well, I know this will be on the front pages for a while yet, and there will be much more information to follow. I will not pass judgement now, but I will wait with a guarded optimism to find out what exactly happened, and who played a part in allowing this despicable man to do what he was doing. Obama has a press conference tomorrow, and I hope some solid answers will be forthcoming. He is being tested before he even takes office, and for all our sakes, I hope he passes.

Charlie White: freaky good

OK, so I was goofing off a bit today, and taking a break from my daily drudgery, when I got an email from a friend of mine. She forwarded me a few links which she wanted me to check out, for an artist and photographer named Charlie White. He's been on the scene for a while, but I hadn't heard of him until today.

Boy oh boy, is this guy somethin'. His gig is setting up secenarios which incorporate real people, puppets, sets and special effects, so his photos have the feel of a still shot from a film. But the common link seems to be weirdness. He has created some fairly odd and disturbing stuff, and I'm not sure what the hell is going on in some of it, but I really like it (not sure what that says about me, exactly, but you can be the judge of that).

Here are a few of the works I found to be most interesting. If you're keen to find out more about him or his art, you can check out his website here.

The Persuaders (2003)

Jonestown (2006)

Cocktail Party (2001 - from the series Understanding Joshua, which is definitely worth checking out in further detail here)

Bizarro, no? But so cool, too. Although that opinion is coming from someone who thinks the same thing about David Lynch and David Cronenberg films, so take that for what it's worth. :) And speaking of films, Charlie White has also directed a couple of short ones.

One is the video for the Interpol song Evil - which is an effing good tune anyway -and it features a really eerie lookin' puppet dude who has survived a horrific car crash:

You can use this link to check out the full video:

Also, White created one in a series of viral promotional videos for Adidas, and his was called Pink.

I love this gets stuck in your head, for real, and it manages to make a pink stuffed bear seem reeeally creepy:

As the mom of a young girl, I really feel this one and I have my own theory about what White is trying to say in this, but I'm probably wrong. If you wanna add your two cents, feel free. :)

'Kay, now that I'm done creeping y'all out for the day, I need to go back to work. No time for art when there's floors to mop, am I right? Have a good one, peeps...

Aw, c'mon, Jeb...give us a break!

Alrighty then...I have been way too busy to sit and blog for the past several weeks. Now that the election's over and I'm no longer spending hours on following politics, I have gotten back to my normal routine and am running around like a crazy person, dealing with my kid's school and social schedules, getting ready for Christmas, and all that good stuff.

I had to stop in and mention something though. As I was surfing the net this evening, I came across this article from Marc Ambinder's blog on The Atlantic website. It says that Jeb Bush, the brother of George W. and the former governor of my home state of Florida, is thinking of running for Senate, following the announcement that incumbent Mel Martinez will retire.

Folks, do I even have to tell you that this disturbs me, on many levels? I swear, if he does run, I will lose a good percentage of the happy mojo I've had goin' for me since Obama won the general election. Seriously, what a buzzkill - here I was, all excited that the days of Dubya were numbered, and then this news rears its ugly head. We just can't seem to get rid of these Bush wingnuts!

Florida loved this guy when he was governor, for the most part, though I don't really understand why. As you may have guessed, I was never a member of his fan club, but I was in the minority at the time. However, I do wonder if the place has shifted a bit since then. We were the only state in the Southeast to go blue for Obama. Maybe the grip of the conservative voter has loosened just a bit, and maybe we're entering the 21st century at last. But I wouldn't bet on it, and I can just see Jeb riding a wave of GOP love right into the Senate. All those white men who freaked out when McCain lost are frantically looking for a way to edge the Republican party back into the sphere of governmental influence, and they would weep tears of joy if they had a chance to restore Jeb to an elected office.

And so, with a sense of deja vu mixed with creeping dread, I wait to hear the pronouncement from on high, when and if it comes. I'm sure it will, because Jeb always wanted to get back into the fray and this opportunity is one he just wouldn't pass up. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that something comes up and prevents him from going through with it. Who knows? Maybe now that he's gonna have all kinds of time on his hands, Dubya will call him up, and offer to take his bro on an extended fishing trip. For 5 or 6 years. Off the Somali coast, where the pirates will hijack their vessel and we won't have to hear from either one of 'em ever again. *sigh* A girl can dream, can't she?


Nothing I could say right now would tell the story as well as these pictures do:










God bless Barack Obama, Joe Biden and their families, and God bless America. :-)

Waiting to Exhale

Well folks, I have been MIA from the blogosphere for several weeks now. I've spent some time on a family trip, and doing some stuff at my kid's school. But I have also been trying, in my little way, to help Barack Obama become our next president.

Emails have been sent...friends, neighbors and family have been calls have been made...lawn signs have been put has been donated...letters to local papers have been written...all in the hope that I could add something positive to the support that Obama's been getting here in my home state of Florida. I have been very encouraged by the signs I see around me that, just maybe, the Sunshine State will get it right this time around.

I know that nothing is certain, and as Obama has been repeating over and over during these final days, we can't take anything for granted. So I have been working at it and waiting for November 4th to come, and now that it's here I am in a weird frame of mind.

On the one hand, I feel extremely anxious and unsettled. It's almost like waiting for Christmas morning, only I'm not sure if I'm getting a present or just coal in my stocking. The anticipation is greater than I expected, and I am not sure how agonizing the next 24 hours will be. The wish for time to hurry up hurry up HURRY UP ALREADY is almost overwhelming. And if things don't go Obama's way, the disappointment will be overwhelming too.

But on the other hand, I feel so good knowing that I've been a part of all this. I know many people gave more time, money and effort than I did, so I am not tooting my own horn here. But just like millions of other Americans, I have some personal investment in this presidential race. I gave time and I gave a shit and I am proud to have joined with all those who did the same. I am excited to know that this country may finally be ready to elect an African-American president for the first time in its history, and I am especially happy that it's this particular man.

I was fortunate enough to be in the crowd in Sunrise last Wednesday, when Joe Biden and Barack Oabama came to speak to us here in South Florida. It was the night of Obama's TV infomercial, and at the end there was a moment where the broadcast cut to a live feed from our event. Some of you saw and heard me and my fellow Floridians for a few minutes, cheering and chanting. But it was the stuff you didn't see on TV that made the most impact on me.

I arrived hours before the doors opened that day, and already there were hundreds and hundreds of people waiting to get inside. It was chaotic, hot and crazy out there. But it still made me happy to be a part of it. As we all stood in the sun and tried not to pass out, we talked and shared our thoughts and hopes, we laughed together, we got to know each other a bit, and we even sang and danced a bit. We were all buzzing with an energy that I don't think I've ever felt before. We all had that sense of being lifted by a common purpose. It is one of the most powerful feelings in the world, but one which we tend not to experience much anymore.

We, as a nation, tend to keep ourselves to ourselves more often than not these days. In the past 8 years, the polarization that we have experienced under a devisive administration has torn us into factions. The additional stresses we have undergone - war, economic turmoil, political scandals - have only served to further fuel our bitterness, our fear, our pessimism, and our desire to assign blame, point fingers and draw battle lines in the sand. We became divided and weak, and we have lost a great deal of our standing and our stock value in the eyes of other nations. But most troubling of all, we have grown used to this sorry state of affairs and we have become a nation where 90% of us know we are on the wrong track.

To be in that arena in Sunrise last Wednesday night, you wouldn't have known that to be the case. The stands were packed full of people who, by the end of the night, believed again. We were all ready to move forward and leave the dark clouds of the past 8 years behind us. And it was Barack Obama who lit that spark in us.

As he spoke, and I looked around me at the faces of my fellow Floridians, I saw everyone. Not the sea of white, privileged, angry faces I've seen in news reports from McCain and Palin rallies, but a diverse mix of people who really are America as it is. I was struck by the way all of us had come together that night, and how we had found this common ground. It made me feel the sort of enthusiasm and patriotism I had not felt for years, and it felt good to get that back.

I have always been a proud American. I have always believed that I am damned lucky to live in this country. But I have not seen the glimmer of true greatness in this country's leaders during my lifetime, until now. I don't think he's perfect, or a saint, or anything like that. I know he will not have it easy, and that many of the promises he has made may not come through during the next 4 years.

But I do feel, very strongly, that Barack Obama wants to be a great president. I believe that he wants us all to be great Americans. And I believe he can guide us and serve as a positive example as we strive to reach a better place as individuals, as communities and as a nation. I believe he deserves a chance to be our next president, and I hope he will be.

If you haven't yet voted, VOTE. If you know friends, family members or co-workers who haven't voted, get them to the polls. If you can, help the campaign of your choice to assist and support voters in your community. And if you all do your part, we will have a clear winner by this time tomorrow. Until that moment, I'm waiting to exhale.

McCain - Palin: Political agitators

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise...All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach...Propaganda must not serve the truth, especially not insofar as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent." - Adolf Hitler

Dear Senator McCain and Governor Palin,

I am ashamed of you. If you had any sense, you'd both be ashamed of yourselves as well. Your contempt for Barack Obama is one thing. Your contempt for American voters, as well as your contempt for the election process, is what most concerns me. You have no clue about the true extent of the damage that you have done, and are still doing, as you drag the nation deeper and deeper into the mud.

Your campaign stops are increasingly shrill and ugly, as you stand before crowds and cameras, denouncing Barack Obama's relationship with William Ayers. You criticize Obama for knowing and working with a man who became infamous for his blatant displays of hatred and anger against his perceived enemy, America. Yet you do so knowing that it will inflame similar feelings of hatred and anger among many of your supporters - hatred and anger against their perceived enemy, an enemy you have created  by demonizing Barack Obama. What gall you have shown in endorsing and encouraging one type of hate over another.

And how narrow your view of life must be. Do you really think this is all about winning in November? How single-minded and ingorant you both are to think that these tactics only affect this election, or the people within our nation. The world is watching us, and they are laughing themselves to death. They see a populace divded by its own government, and they see your polarizing style of "leadership", and they hear the vitriol spewing forth from your lips, and they know America has started to hit rock bottom. Our allies fear for us and wonder if we will ever get back to being a leader worth following. And our enemies? Well, you "Country First" mavericks are basically handing our asses to our enemies on a silver platter. They know they don't have much work left to do. If they sit back long enough and leave us to our own devices, we will simply destroy ourselves from within, as the two factions you helped to create within the American public fight each other and try to tear each other down, and our fragile hopes for tolerance and unity give way to finger-pointing, fear and loathing. These are the seeds you are sowing with every word you speak as you try to discredit your opponent, and you must be ready to take responsibility when the bitter, poisonous fruit of your efforts begins to grow.

Don't tell me you didn't know it would come to this. You knew full well that there are many people out there who already had a lot of worries and distress brewing in their psyches, and they want someone to blame. They want to get angry. You certainly knew, as well, that there are already many people who have an issue with the idea that an African-American could possibly become our next president. They just needed permission to freely express their bigoted viewpoints. Well, you gave them that. Now that the door is open, you can't really go back and close it.

And just look at the people who are starting to walk through it: hecklers who yell out wildly inappropriate things - including threats and calls for violence - and who feel emboldened by your thinly veiled racial messages. Is this the demographic you were hoping to capture? Is this truly the America you hope to lead? Take a look at the type of person you're currently pandering to, the kind of guy whose vote you're selling yourselves out to get:


OCTOBER 8--Angered by a delay in the receipt of his voter registration card, a Louisiana man today threatened to shoot election officials, claiming that he urgently needed to cast a ballot to "keep the n*gger out of office," according to police. Wade Williams, 75, was arrested this morning on a felony terrorizing charge after allegedly calling the Registrar of Voters and warning that he would come to the state office and empty his shotgun unless he got his registration card. Using profanity and racial slurs, Williams told a state official "about needing to vote to 'keep the n*gger out of office," according to an Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office affidavit, a copy of which you'll find here. Though the document does not name the candidate to which Williams is so violently opposed, it seems likely he was referring to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. After being arrested at his Monroe home, Williams was booked into the Ouachita Correctional Center, where the below mug shot was snapped. En route to the jail, he "continued his 'tirade' about niggers and also stated that he had a shotgun, but had it hidden at his residence," reported Lt. Michael Judd.

Take a good, long look at this guy's face. Look at the sorry-ass, backwards thinkers that you are expressly trying to win over with your smear campaigns. You both want to win no matter what, so you're running a truly ugly race, targeting the ugliest underbelly of American society. Surely there can be no pride in such a vctory, but I guess you're happy enough to take whatever you can get at this point.

I am encouraged by the fact that you are failing in your efforts, and by the fact that the likelihood of you winning the election is dwindling more and more each day. But even though you will probably lose, I want you to know how disgusted I am by your recent antics. You are campaigning in a manner that shows no dignity, no respect for your opponent, no respect for the American public, and no respect for yourselves.  All I can hope is that you'll get exactly what you deserve on November 4th.


A special place in Hell for McCain and Palin

John McCain and Sarah Palin both seem to know exactly who can go to Hell.

McCain, while running against George Bush in the 2000 Republican primaries, was incensed that the Bush team had run smear campaigns against him (how funny is that?). He was particularly angered by their attempts to bring his adopted Bengali daughter into the mix, by spreading rumors that "John McCain has a black baby".  In an interview, McCain stated,  "I believe there is a special place in hell for people like those."

And just the other day, Sarah Palin misquoted Madeline Albright during a campaign appearance, proclaiming, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women." Albright actually said "women who don't help other women", but whatever.

Point is, these two sure do seem to be right with the Lord. They're pretty confident that they have the moral authority to discuss how other people deserve to burn in Hell. And if the recent tactics against Barack Obama are any indication, they think there's a spot in Hell for him, too. The fact that he worked on a couple of community projects with William Ayers, who was once a radical extremist - even though by the time Obama met him, he was a respected and law-abiding member of the community and of the educational establishment - is evidence enough for McCain and Palin that Obama is "too risky" to be president.

While listening to the sound bites from McCain and Palin's campaign stops yesterdaay, and hearing the links between Barack Obama and William Ayers repeated again and again, I realized that the whole thing sounded sorta familiar. I did some quick Googling, and I found what I was looking for.

Here is a description of the life of another important and well-known figure, written by a highly-respected scholar; see if you can spot the similarities between this and the Obama/Ayers discussion:

This person..."was the most active resister perhaps known to history...a troublemaker, par exellance". He "was not just provocative; his actions were illegal...His entire life led up to the culminating confrontation with the powers of his day...His words were revolutionary...All his actions vary in focus and intensity; all are illegal and draw the ire of the ruling and religious authorities."

In addition, "[He] dined with a social outcast...fraternizing with the enemy...[He] publicly embraced all those excluded by societal laws..."

So who was this "troublemaker" who, like Ayers, defied the law in order to challenge the powers that be, and who, like Obama, associated with the outlaws of his society? Well, it just so happens that it was Jesus. You know, the Son of God, the King of Kings...that guy. Seems He had a real tendency toward civil disobedience, according to writer and lecturer Father John Dear. The author is a Jesuit preist who, earlier this year, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Dear, in his 1994 book, The Sacrament of Civil Disobedience, writes:

"The Gospels make plain that Jesus regularly mingled with 'sinners and tax collectors'...By sitting at table with a tax collector, sinners and other public outcasts, Jesus must have shocked everyone."

Discussing Jesus healing the lepers, Dear says, "This act was civilly disobedient because it went beyond the designated boundaries of society, from those nebulous areas where some people are considered 'insiders', to those clear-cut, off-limits places where others are declared 'outsiders'...Jesus deliberately touched the leper who came begging to him, and in doing so, Jesus broke the sociological and religious barriers of society...Jesus was now a marginalized outsider: he had violated all the taboos." Hmm, insiders and outsiders...where else have I heard this lately?

So, am I saying that Obama = Savior? Christ, no! But I am saying that one of the basic tenets of Christianity is "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Which begs the question: why is Obama being castigated by McCain and Palin for associating with a former radical activist? Are men not allowed to work side by side on charity boards because one of them was once a criminal? And if they do work together, do you truly believe that the experience makes the other man a criminal too, by extension?

I thought the GOP were all up on their Bible studies, but I guess they forgot that Jesus had time for everyone, including prostitutes and theives. In fact, Jesus saw fit to accept, as one of His 12 apostles, a man known as "Simon the Zealot", who was a fierce Jewish nationalist and, as a young man, subscribed to the beliefs of the Zealots. According to Wikkipedia,  "the Zealots objected to Roman rule and sought violently to eradicate it." But isn't that philosophy kinda like...domestic terrorism, or something? And yet Simon the Zealot was OK by Jesus, was selected to hang with His posse, and was eventually canonized as a Saint in the Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran Churches. I can only assume that, when "Christians" like McCain and Palin ask "What Would Jesus Do?", they don't mean it literally, because if they did, then Barack Obama wouldn't be catching the crap he is right now.

Perhaps the McCain folks hadn't heard the news yet, but there's this whole "Ten Commandments" thing, and one of the items on that list is, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Any discussion of how Obama "palled around" with William Ayers, despite a lack of any evidence to support a relationship of that nature, would probably run afoul of that "false witness" idea. I am willing to bet that there's a very, very  special place in Hell reserved for those who break a commandment in the pursuit of political gain.

It is a sad time for all of us as Americans, because, at a moment when we desperately need a leader to guide us to better times, we are being asked to accept a team of self-serving politicians who would rather point fingers at others than get their own house in order. After years of divisive politics under a polarizing administration, one candidate wants to stick with the status quo and maintain an "us-vs.-them" mentality. I can't help wondering who could have advised McCain and Palin that hypocritical self-righteousness is a good way to win the hearts of Americans. Now, who could have come up with such a diabolically bad strategy? Hmmm...I don't know...could it be...

"A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies." - Mark Twain

What is John McCain afraid of? And why does he expect you to cower in fear the same way he does?

Let's start with the answer to the first question: John McCain is afraid of losing. This man, who spent years in a Vietnamese POW camp being subjected to the most inhumane treatment imaginable, who once used his position in Washington to speak truth to power and stand up for what he felt was right against both enemies and allies - this man has been irretrievably, utterly broken by fear of losing an election. And he has realized that the only possible way he might win is to make voters scared for him to lose as well. Pardon my French, but when did Mr. Maverick turn into such a goddamned pu**y?

McCain's bid for the White House has been handled in the most dishonorable, dishonest way possible. Even right-wing commentators have called him and his advisors out on their constant barrage of negative, and misleading, attack ads. His campaign has never focused on his accomplishments, his record, his policies or positions. He has rarely said anything about himself in his ads, other than to claim his "maverick" status again and again. But what is the substance behind his claims? In what way has he distinguished himself as a maverick during the 8 years of George Bush's presidency? How will his administration differ from the one he seeks to replace? There has never been an answer to this question.

And there never will be, because his advisers have started warning the media of the new strategy they intend to utilize against Barack Obama - a smear campaign, aimed at raising doubts about Obama's character and judgement. That's right folks - they are straight up telling you, the American public, that they have nothing left in their strategical bag of tricks except to try and turn Obama into some sort of boogeyman. In the meantime, they want this to distract you from the most dire circumstances in recent US history. The economic meltdown, the record-high unemployment rate, the failing and endless war in Iraq, the decrease in worker's wages while costs on food, gas, and groceries are increasing - the McCain campaign wants you to pretend that Obama is somehow scarier than all of this, and that the idea of voting in a man like McCain, who helped to create the problems we face now, is somehow a safer bet than voting in a guy whose middle name happens to be Hussein and who happens to be a black liberal. It is a crock of shit, a web of deceit, and it just might work, because McCain knows that many Americans are just looking for an excuse to vote against Obama. Many Americans are pu**ies, just like McCain. And you know who you are, too.

You know that objective sources like and have monitored McCain's ad claims and have been working overtime to point out the falsehoods that they are. You know that Obama is discussing his plans for the economy and foreign policy, health care reform and education, Social Security and alternative energy...but you haven't bothered to read these plans yourself. Maybe you haven't even read McCain's website you don't even realize that most of his plans are the same policies we have in place right now. You've relied on sound bites from McCain, his campaign staff, his ads, or the right-wing press (sorry, but Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity DO NOT COUNT as reliable sources of unbiased information, and neither do Keith Olbermann or Chris Matthews).

Maybe you haven't even bothered to pay attention to the talking heads on the news. Maybe some friend or relative sent you an email telling you that Obama is planning to tax us all to death, or that he's going to institute some radical Muslim policy once he becomes president, or some other such bullshit. And you bought it without bothering to check, because you just don't feel comfortable voting for a guy like Obama, and anything that helps you justify your choice is OK with you. If you recognize yourself in this description, SHAME ON YOU. You can't make a decision on a candidate's ideas or positions without being informed. You can't be so fu**ing lazy. You can't choose willful ignorance just because it makes your life easier. This shit is important, folks. You have to make the effort to read this stuff on your own to get to the truth.

And truth is in short supply at McCain campaign headquarters. This is not really a new tactic - the past several months have seen many attempts by McCain and his followers to label Obama as an outsider. Some of the attacks have come from outside the campaign, and were instigated by independent conservative groups. But many have been the handiwork of McCain's own campaign, and their only purpose is to frighten voters away from his opponent.

How have the Republicans tried to make us scared of Obama? By lying, mostly, because the truth isn't scary enough. They have tried to convince voters that Obama is a Muslim (he isn't), that he's the Anti-Christ (ridiculous), that he favors socialist economic policies (not true), that he's not actually an American citizen (but he is), that he will raise taxes (false)...the list goes on and on.

Now there is a plan to bring Obama's character into question by highlighting his associations with two men: Tony Rezko and William Ayers. These names have been kicking around since Hillary Clinton brought them up during the primaries, and from that time to this, no evidence has come to light which indicates that there is merit to the discussion. In both cases, multiple investigations have turned up nothing to suggest any improper or illegal conduct on Obama's part, either with Rezko  or with Ayers.

But the truth never stopped John McCain before, and it's not about to stop him now. Especially now, when he is falling fast in the polls, and the economic crisis remains a weakness for his campaign. This is a desperate man, and we all know that there is nothing so vicious as an animal that is cornered and fearful for its life. So McCain and his supporters take the only avenue left to them - without a record of accomplishment to run on, without a clear plan for changing the policies of the past 8 years, without any substance at all - all that remains is to try and attack the character of Barack Obama.

Well I agree that character is important. That is why I am asking you to consider the following facts:

John McCain was one of the Keating Five, a group of senators who were investigated on allegations of improper conduct during the huge savings and loan scandal of the late eighties. He escaped with no more than a slap on the wrist from the investigating committee, but his relationship with key figure Charles Keating was in fact the closest of all those involved in the scandal.

John McCain started cheating on his first wife after he returned home from Vietnam to discover that she had been disfigured in an auto accident. In fact, McCain's current wife, Cindy, started dating McCain while he was still living with and married to his first wife. Both McCain and his wife are adulterers and have never even tried to cover this information up. McCain ultimately divorced his first wife to marry Cindy, and the marriage took place only 5 weeks after the divorce was final.

John McCain has made several well-documented tasteless comments and jokes at the expense of women. He has joked about a woman who enjoyed being raped by a gorilla, as reported in the Tuscon Citizen. At a GOP fundraiser, he joked that Chelsea Clinton was "so ugly", because "Janet Reno is her father". He has even reportedly called hiks own wife, Cindy, a "trollop" and a very rude word which referes to the female anatomy, and rhymes with "bunt". Only it starts with a "c" instead of a "b". He has refused to acknowledge or discuss this outburst in public, but it was witnessed and reported by 3 journalists and 2 aides who were there at the time.

John McCain has made equally disturbing jokes/comments about people from other nations. His "bomb Iran" song is already widely-known. He has also joked that the high number of cigarettes imported into Iran is "another way of killin' em". And he has repeatedly used the word "gooks" when discussing his experience as a POW in Vietnam.

And if you really want to get into a character issue, an issue of poor judgement, and an issue of guilt by association, there is only one thing you need to know about John McCain:

Over the past 8 years, he has failed to stand up to the George Bush administration against any major decision they have made which has brought this nation to the sorry state it's currently in. On the urgency to engage our troops in the Iraq war, John McCain agreed with President Bush. On the idea that our military presence in Afghanistan should be secondary to our focus on Iraq (where there were NO weapons of mass destruction and, at the time, NO Al Quaeda strongholds), John McCain agreed with President Bush. On tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, John McCain agreed with President Bush - and still does; his planned tax policy will result in massively reduced tax bills for those making the most money. On the subject of deregulating the financial sector, and taking a hands-off approach in which financial institutions would monitor their practices by themselves, John McCain agreed with President Bush.

Other than Bush, as if more is needed, his Republican colleagues have been the slimiest, most incompetent and most corrupt bag of scoundrels seen in Washington for decades: Rick Davis, Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales, Tom DeLay, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, "Scooter" Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, and so on. McCain served in the Congress with many of these men, and he worked with them all in some capacity or other over the past 8 years. Are we to assume, based on his recent anti-Obama ads, that his association with them means he is guilty of seeking sex with teenaged male pages? That he assisted or approved of the unfair dismissals of 9 US attornies, and then committed perjury under oath during the investigations? That he was involved in the scandal associated with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff? Fair's fair, don't you think? If we're questioning the company Obama keeps, let's not overlook McCain's crowd, for there is far more of interest there. And let's not forget the most important facet of this situation: McCain's claims are about things that were done or said by OTHER PEOPLE who Barack Obama knew. There is NO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing by Obama himself. So we're supposed to get upset that Obama knew people who did things wrong, but not that John McCain himself has committed one screw-up after another over his politcal career? Riddle me that, folks...I sure don't get it.

I can't imagine anyone out there looking at the records of these two men and really, truly believing that Obama's character is somehow more suspect than McCain's. If you've been avoiding the information on all these issues, I've done the work for you. Just click the links - they all go to reliable sources of factual information - not MSNBC or the Huffington Post, but sources that report the facts, period. Look it all over. And if you do, and you honestly, in your heart of hearts, feel that John McCain will be a better leader and a more morally upstanding president, then go right ahead and vote for him. But if you accept these facts, and you still believe John McCain when he tells you it's just too risky to vote for Barack Obama, then at least admit to yourself that you're choosing a candidate who has a 26-year history of making the wrong call and supporting the wrong people - and that you're doing it because you're just as much of a pu**y as John McCain hopes you are.


Palin's secret debate strategy

Oddly enough, I can't be bothered to post too much about the VP debate last night. I think everyone has already either seen the debate itself, or the highlights, and most people already heard the general consensus of opinion, which was that Biden won. I concur with this sentiment and I don't even think the Republicans honestly expected any result other than that. Plus, there's the fact that the debate really didn't matter too much, regardless of how either candidate the less time wasted on that the better.

So, because it's been a very busy week and I am feeling too lazy to write tonight, here's an item which may explain the secret of Sarah's success during the debate. Thanks to my good friend Brady, who dug this nugget up and sent it to me:


Sarah's Big Debate: "Lord, make a way..."

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our main event! In this corner, the defending champion...wearing kid gloves and a muzzle, it's Bunglin' Joe Biden! And in this corner, the challenger...hailing from Wasilla, wearing full body armor and lipstick, let's hear it for Sarah Palin, the Alaska Disasta'! Alright, let's get it onnnn!

Oh, how I've waited for this day..the Palin/Biden face-off is tonight's Must See TV, and expectations are running high (or low, depending on how you look at it). I can't remember being so stoked for a vice-presidential debate since...well...EVER. I realize that the debate is actually pretty inconsequential - I can't imagine anyone changing their mind or their vote based on anything that may happen tonight. Still, for pure entertainment value, this could be hard to beat.

I would not actually bet on a full-scale nosedive from either candidate, to be honest. I think that Sarah Palin has been prepped within an inch of her life, and that she will have absorbed enough advice and strategy from her handlers to get her safely through an hour and a half. Plus, she probably had someone from her church in Wasilla flown out to meet her before the debate, so they can lay hands on her and pray for her to be victorious, and to steer clear of all forms of witchcraft. I think that it might go a little somethin' like this (man, this crazy shit never gets old!):

As for Biden...well, he's always got a solid chance of saying something wildly off-base, but hopefully he will rein himself in and deliver, and not get too cowed by his opponent. I realize he's at an immediate disadvantage, because she might play the "sexism" card if things seem over her head, but he really ought to treat her the same way he would treat a male opponent. It's only fair and that's not an unrealistic standard to apply in this situation. And if she can't take it, that's kinda tough.

As Willy Wonka once said, "The suspense is terrible. I hope it'll last." I can't wait to see the debate, but at the same time, I already know what a downer it'll be when it's over. What the hell will I have to look forward to after that? Even if Palin does crash and burn - especially if she does, though I don't really think she will - I'll be a bit disappointed, just because that would be the final nail in her coffin, and she would just fade from the scene as much as possible after that. Just imagine: no more interviews, no more babbling, no more embarrassing blunders, no more Tina Fey skits on scary is that, huh? it's gotten to the point, over the past few weeks, where I crave a shot of Sarah Stupidity just to get myself going in the morning, the way some people crave coffee. If the supply of Stupid suddenly disappeared, I simply wouldn't know what to do with myself!

So let's all take a moment and pause to reflect on the gift Sarah Palin has brought us all...the gift of Stupid. Maybe she'll survive and be a fixture on the Stupid radar for years to come...but just in case things go wrong for her tonight, I got backup. Whenever you need a fix, just help yourself to this video:

*sigh* It was probably too good to last, anyway......


Reality check

This has been a dizzying couple of weeks. The ups and downs of the financial crisis and of the attempts to repair it are coming fast and furious. Congressional bickering and finger-pointing has left us no closer to a solution than we were when this whole mess started. And during this turmoil, the candidates have been struggling to find the right angle to take. I've seen a lot of criticism directed at both McCain and Obama, although McCain is getting the lion's share of it. It didn't help him to make such a big stink about how he has been "stepping in to solve problems for the American people", when the bill he was trying to lay claim to got defeated later the same day, causing a massive plunge on Wall Street.

I think the media, and most voters, are truly missing the point here. The candidates are both correct when they try to stress the urgency of the situation, and the need for some feasible agreement to be reached as soon as possible. For each day that the issue remains unresolved, the money crunch worsens and the effects are being felt in businesses and households all over the nation. But the problem comes when we expect the candidates to come up with the answer. Reality check - neither McCain nor Obama has been sworn in as president yet. In case you forgot, there is still a guy named George W. Bush residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and he's got a lease there until January of next year. This is HIS problem right now, and it is HIS job to rally the administration and Congress to work out a deal. His failure to do so is the problem here, so laying the blame for the bailout's defeat on either candidate is a bogus move.

What, exactly, do people expect McCain and Obama to do right now? They are senators - no more and no less, and both have been removed from the day-to-day business of Capitol Hill for months now as they campaign for the presidency. How, exactly, are they responsible for leading Congress to the answer for all our nation's economic woes? After a crash that was years in the making, it is unrealistic to look to either one of them to solve it all in a week or two. They have both voiced their belief that an agreement on a plan is urgently needed, and they have tried to encourage their colleagues to find some common ground. But for either of them to interject themselves into the process in a greater way would be inappropriate right now, and probably none too helpful, if the events of the past several days are any indication.

The McCain campaign has alleged that Obama has been "watching from the sidelines" during this crisis, and has not done enough to rally support for the president's bailout proposal. Reality check - during yesterday's vote on the bailout plan, 60% of House Democrats voted in favor of the bill, while only 37% of Republicans did so - despite the McCain camp's insistence that "It's really Senator McCain who got all parties around a table to hammer out a deal". The truth is that Congress is not focusing on the needs of the presidential candidates right now - many of them have their own election bids to worry about, and pissing off their constituents is not on their agenda. They do not answer to McCain, or Obama, and to add the presidential race into the mix is a distraction from the task at hand.

It's time for the media and the public to recognize that the leadership on this particular issue needs to come from the White House. Admittedly, this is easier said than done. Bush and his cohorts, after years of alienating and disappointing everyone around them, have fallen into the lame duck zone, where their powers of influence are virtually nil. Still, we cannot lay the responsibility for a solution to the bailout issue on the presidential candidates. Not yet, anyway. When one of them is elected, he will need to get his shit together pretty fast and take action to clean up this mess on a long-term basis. But for now, the immediate concern is the short-term needs of the market and of Americans who are scared and strapped for resources. Reality check -the president and the leaders in Congress must be the ones to step up and make something happen. It's time for everyone to get off the partisan blame train and admit that, even if it's tough to do, a plan is needed and the time to pass one is now.


Peek-a-boo, I see you...

Well, I was wrong, and I couldn't be happier about it. Right after the debate on Friday, I felt, as did the majority of the mainstream media, that the result was a tie. But over the past couple of days, the results of some post-debate polls have been released, and what do ya know - most Americans felt that Barack Obama won. Nearly every poll taken over this weekend showed a clear edge for Obama as a result of his debate performance, and that even includes the right-wing goobers over on Fox News. I've watched debates and debate coverage for a long time, and to me, this situation is rather remarkable. We all know how the media spins things, and how voters' opinions usually reflect whatever they've heard on TV or on the radio. But this was different. The media didn't even call a winner in this debate. And yet, without being told what to think by the pundits and talking heads, the people declared a winner. They spoke up and said that one man impressed them more than the other, and the man they preferred was Obama.

I have to tell you, folks - I am feeling pretty good about this. Better, in fact, than I've felt in a long while. On my best days I think I'm a realist; on my worst days I think of myself as a cynic. And I am particularly jaded when it comes to the subject of politics. But the numbers are showing me that things may not be as bad as I ususally assume they are. So how did people manage to come up with such a positive assessment of Obama's debate performance?  Well, I've got a theory about that, and it all has to do with visibility.

Up until the debate, the McCain campaign was doing their best to control the way the candidates were seen by the American public. In order to spin their own image to people, they repeated certain lines and catch phrases (Maverick! Reformer! POW!) at every stop and in every speech in an attempt to solidify the mythology of the McCain/Palin ticket. They cut off press access and have held virtually no interviews or press conferences on the campaign trail (on the Straight Talk Express, no less...irony, anyone?). They especially protected Sarah Palin from speaking to the press until it was impossible for them to do so any longer. To spin a negative image of Obama, the McCain campaign created a slew of attack ads, most of which were dishonest, distortional and disgusting. They attempted to control what voters saw about Obama. And based on these ads, voters could very well have believed that Obama was dangerously inexperienced, an advocate of comprehensive sex education for 5-year-olds, and that he also intended to raise taxes on working-class familes and turn our health care system into a vast federal bureaucracy.

The debate changed all that. For the fist time in this race, viewers got to see McCain and Obama side by side, without the spin of ads or media commentators. They saw John McCain refusing to look at his opponent for an hour and a half. They saw him continue his streak of distortions and half-truths as he repeatedly misrepresented Obama's positions. They saw him trot out names and dates from the past 26 years of his life in Washington, but they did NOT see him admit any responsibility for his contributions to the current downturn of the American economy, or for his errors in supporting a rushed invasion of the wrong country in the Iraq war. They saw him unable to convincingly fend off claims that his policies are direct continuations of Bush's policies. They did NOT see him mention the middle class - even once - and they did not see any evidence of the big reforms he's been talking about on the campaign trail. They saw McCain himself, separated from the cheering crowds and the red, white and blue filter of his ads, and they weren't too thrilled by what they saw.

But more importantly, they saw Obama - many of them, no doubt for the first time. Many expected to see an empty suit, an angry radical, or an overblown orator. But they saw instead a man who looked and sounded ready to lead. They saw him graciously pointing out those ideas on which he and McCain both agreed. They saw him remaining focused, confident and consistent. They saw his strong grasp of problems and solutions, people and places, and  ideas for the future of our nation. They saw someone who has the ability and the willingness to utilize both diplomacy and military action, as well as the temperament to know when each approach is appropriate. They realized that they had no reason to be afraid of him, even though he looks different and has a foreign-sounding name. Obama was no longer an unknown quantity. And this simple act of seeing Obama for themselves, rather than through the lens of McCain's campaign, made all the difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to change, and McCain has shown us how much he loves shaking things up with a curve ball every so often. Maybe in his desperate attempts to win, he'll actually hit upon a gimmick that works and win back some support. In any case the race will likely remain close, right down to the wire. But no matter what, I am delighted to know that, at least for now,  my fellow voters are looking beyond what they've been shown by the news media and by the ads, to see the possibilities that Obama is offering this country. He's not perfect. Nobody is, especially politicians. But maybe he does have the ability to undo some of the problems that have been dragging Americans through tough times. Maybe he does have the good judgment to make the right choices when we most need him to. Maybe he does understand those of us in the middle class, and maybe he does care enough about what we are going through to make helping us a bigger priority than taking care of corporations and lobbyists. Maybe he's OK after all.

And that, my friends, is what hope is all about.


Debate: tied on performance, but Obama wins on facts

Very nice of Senator McCain to join us for the first debate last night, although I realize it kept him away from solving the economic crisis for us. Seriously, in hindsight, how overblown was his whole display this week? Now that it's all over and done, did that debate REALLY stand in the way of anyone doing anything that needed to be done in Washington? And during the time McCain WAS in Washington, did he contribute anything at all to the progress Congress were already making on the problem?

Oh well, that's last week's it's time to move forward and look at the debate itself. I feel that both men performed well, and that neither made any major mistakes that would give their supporters reason to change their minds. There were certainly stylistic differences, most notably the fact that McCain never engaged Obama directly, and acted as if his opponent wasn't standing right on the same stage with him. Obama did try to address McCain directly, and also tried to point out that he was in agreement with McCain on certain points. This is a tactic that I feel could've gone either way; some may perceive it as being too concessionary and others may see it as diplomatic. I personally feel it was a sign that Obama can handle and acknowledge opposing points of view, which is a positive trait in my opinion. But I do feel that Obama had a few opportunities to really hammer McCain, particularly during the economic discussions, and he held back more than I would have liked. I guess he is waiting to do the heavy hitting during the next debate, when the economy will be the focus.

The bottom line, as I see it, is that both men scored some solid points and neither surprised me in any way. I'd be very surprised if there was any major shift in the polls as a result of this debate. However, I really do expect to see a more lopsided result in Obama's favor after the economic debate - it was clear during last night's exchanges that Obama had a major advantage on that subject and that McCain will be hard pressed to come off as well once the financial crisis is the focus.

As usual, I am more about substance than style. So, even though the two candidates were pretty evenly matched on the effectiveness of their performances, I do feel that a more important factor than how things were said is the actual content of their statements, and how accurate those statements were. has already posted their analysis of the facts presented in the debate, and - surprise, surprise! - McCain didn't do as well with that as Obama did.

If you visit the site, you'll see the details and can find their in-depth summary. But to boil it down for ya, here's what they found: McCain made 4 times as many outright false statements as Obama, and several other mistakes that, while not 100% false, were definitely off-base and not 100% true either.

1. Obama stated that Henry Kissinger, one of McCain's advisers, had advocated negotiations with Iran, without preconditions. McCain disagreed. A videotape of Kissinger speaking during a panel discussion, which took place only days before the debate, shows that he is in fact in support of meeting with Iran without precondidtions. In fact, another video of an earlier forum shows Kissinger expessing the same sentiment again. After the debate, Kissinger issued a statement specifying that he did not think the President should meet in such negotiations, but Obama made clear in the debate that he would follow accepted diplomatic protocol by starting negotiations with lower-ranking officials before he would become involved himself. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE. OBAMA'S STATEMENT: TRUE.

2. McCain claimed that Obama had voted to increase taxes on those making $42,000 a year or more. This was a resolution which was mostly addressing whther or not to let the Bush tax cuts expire, and it is a resolution which Obama supported. However, the specific language in the resolution stated that this referred to a sinlge non-homeowning taxpayer, whereas this did not apply to families or couples filing jointly. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

3. McCain claimed that Admiral Mike Mullen had specifically described Obama's proposed ideas regarding a timetable for withdrawal of troops in Iraq as "dangerous for America". Mullen did say that timetables set without taking into consideration "the conditions on the ground" would not be advisable, but he did not specifically comment on Obama's plan. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

4. McCain said that earmarks had tripled in the past 5 years. This is incorrect. Earmarks have actually gone down between 23 and 24 percent during that time frame. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

5. McCain, while discussing wasteful earmarks, said that $3 million had been appropriated for a study of bear DNA. This is correct, HOWEVER, what he didn't mention is that HE VOTED IN FAVOR of the bill which made the appropriations for that study. So there was more to that story, but technically...MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: TRUE.

6. Obama said that the current Iraqi budget surplus is $79 billion. This is incorrect; although some projections had set the surplus at that amount, current information indicates that the surplus amount is closer to $60 billion. OBAMA'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

7. McCain stated that the US pays $700 billion a year to buy oil from other countries. this is inaccurate; the actual amount is approximately $536 billion. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE:

8. Obama said that his tax cut will cover 95% of Americans. this is not technically accurate; his cuts will apply to 95% of families with children, and 81% of taxpaying households overall. OBAMA'S STAEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

9. Obama said that under McCain's proposed tax plan, employers would be paying taxes on the health care benefits they pay to employees. This isn't correct, but the truth is actually worse...under current law, workers do not pay taxes based on the dollar value of their health insurance benefits. Under McCain's proposed tax changes, workers WILL pay taxes on the dollar value of their employer-provided health benefits. Still, as far as accuracy goes... OBAMA'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

10. McCain claims that Obama intends to turn health care over to the fedral government. this is inaccurate. There will not be mandated health care for any group except for children Federal health care options for all othe Americans will be expanded but will not be mandated. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

11. McCain told a story about Eisenhower's letter of resignation, written in case the Invasion of Normandy would have failed. Eisenhower did write a letter accepting responsibility in case of failure, but did not offer to resign. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

12. Obama discussed reducing our troops in Iraq within 16 months. He had previously said that all troops would be withdrawn within that time frame. This shows a shift of position, so...OBAMA'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

13. McCain claims that Obama does not consider Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (which he mistakenly referred to as the "Republican Guard") to be a trrorist organization. Obama has in fact named the as a terrorist organization on more than one occasion. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

14. McCain called Obama "naive" for his call that both parties show restraint after the Russian/Georgian conflict. Obama did say this, but the characterization as "naive" is debatable, since the official statement from the White House used the exact same language and called for "restraint on both sides". This is certainly an opinion rather than a fact, but fairness dictates that MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

15. McCain bragged about saving taxpayers $6.8 billion by fighting a Boeing contract that he felt should not be awarded. This is true. HOWEVER, what he did not mention is that there was later an investigation into whether the bidding process for this contract was handled unfairly. Seems there may have been some self-interest involved in the way McCain fought the Boeing contract, rather than a concern about protecting taxpayers' money.As it turns out, people who are now McCain advisers were lobbying for Boeing's rival, EADS/Airbus, to win the contract. McCain himself wrote to the Department of Defense to advise against checking into "improper subsidies" which EADS/Airbus may have received. P.S. - EADS/Airbus has contributed $15,700 to McCain's presidential campign. Again, there's more to this story, but technically...MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

16. McCain claimed that Obama is opposed to storage of nulclear waste. Obama is not opposed to storage of nuclear waste but does want storage to be safe. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

17. Obama claims that McCain voted 23 times against alternative energy proposals. This is inaccurate. McCain stated that he had not voted against any such proposals, and laughed "No one could be opposed to alternative energy". However, he is also wrong. The fact is, McCain has voted against alternative energy proposals 11 times. SO... OBAMA'S STATEMENT: FALSE, and MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: FALSE.

18. McCain and Obama discussed the role that Obama's subcommittee plays in Afghanistan policy. Both stated different aspects of this committee's scope, and both were technically correct. SO...MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: TRUE and OBAMA'S STATEMENT: TRUE.

19. McCain claimed that he broke ranks to vote against sending Marines into Lebanon in 1982. However, Marines had been sent in August of 1982, 3 months before McCain was elected in November of that year. In 1983, Ronald Reagan signed a bill which would authorize a deployment of 18 months for Marines in Lebanon, and McCain did break party ranks to vote against this bill. MCCAIN'S STATEMENT: NOT EXACTLY TRUE.

If ytou're keeping score, here's the final totals:

MCCAIN: 8 false statements, 5 not exactly true statements, and 2 true statements

OBAMA: 2 false statements, 3 not exactly true statements, and 2 true statements

Based on this, I think Obama wins on truth, and to me, that's more important thatn style. Next up: Palin faces off against Biden...I am practically drooling with anticipation...roll on October 2nd!

Where's the beef?


Remember the Wendy's commercial from the '80's, with that old lady yelling, "Where's the beef?" I can't help thinking the same thing after the fiasco on Capitol Hill yesterday. John McCain calls off the debate, the campaign and everything else, because he thinks going to "Warshington" and finalizing the bailout bill is more important than anything else. But he forgot to make a plan for what to do AFTER he got there, and he ended up doing and saying nothing helpful all day. If ever there was an example of the old saying, "If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem", this was it. There was no guidance offered and no insight shared, and the day ended in frenzied media glare and bitter partisan bickering. What happened? Where was the input he seemed so desperate to share with his fellow Congressmen and women? WHERE'S THE BEEF?

This is just typical McCain -style over substance. Want to boost your sagging campaign numbers? Bring in Sarah Palin - she looks good and has instant surface appeal. Sure she's a bit inexperienced and not too great with the issues, but if nobody asks too many questions or watches too many YouTube videos of her in church, she will dazzle the base. Don't have a great track record or any new ideas to run on? Just throw some negative ads on the air...deflect attention from your own inadequacies and pray that most people won't bother to fact-check your empty accusations against your opponent. Want to look like a hero during a time of national crisis? Announce that solving the problem is your number one priority, then make a big show of abandoning everything else to focus on just that one problem.

Except, after all that "country first" rhetoric, he hasn't actually contributed anything to the process. He seems to think this is grade school and that someone's taking attendence. But you don't get points just for showing up to the meeting. If he really does want to get this task done, then he has to participate - offer some ideas, guide his colleagues, SOMETHING, especially after he painted himself as someone who just HAD to be involved in fixing this problem. If he has anything constructive to add to the debate, then what is he waiting for? Now is the time to show his hand, before we all decide that the whole incident was nothing more than posturing and pandering to revive his poll numbers.

Wasn't he the guy who prides himself in reaching across the aisle and supporting bipartisan solutions? Didn't he tell us he had the experience to lead in a time of crisis? Hadn't he been chiding Obama for what he called "inaction"? In fact the McCain campaign ran ads about Obama's supposed "inaction" this week..and already posted a response showing why the ad was full of crap (what a surprise!) Well, last time I checked, there was no hand extended across the aisle to Democrats by Senator McCain - in fact, he couldn't even get his own party to come together and agree on a plan. He failed as referee when the fighing broke out and the discussions broke down. He still has not presented his own outline of what he wants the plan to include and how it should look. His statements to the press and in the meetings yesterday, by all accounts, were generalizations about being "optimistic" and indicated no clear direction or strategy. He flailed his way through the meltdown last week, and he seems to be flailing his way through this process as well. OK Senator - you wanted in on this and you said you were ready to roll up your sleeves and get something done. So...WHERE'S THE BEEF???

I'm sure today will be another day of drama and turmoil, and it still remains to be seen whether or not the debate will happen tonight as scheduled. But at this point, the first and most important question to be answered is, when is John McCain going to do what he said he came to Washington to do? Or will this turn into yet another campaign promise that gets broken before the campaign even ends?

Beyond belief

Just when I thought that things could not possibly get any more insane than they already were in the worlds of politics and happened. Yesterday, I said this situation in Washington was turning into a circus. Today, I realize I may have been too generous in my assessment. At least you know what to expect in a circus - some animals, some clowns, some crazy stunts performed without a net as the audience holds its breath...oh, wait. That sorta is what today was like, when you get right down to it.

I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. I have to ask: if you're a McCain supporter, just what the hell exactly is it that you're supporting at this point? I mean, do you even know what the hell your candidate is supporting? Because after he spent the day riding in on his white steed to rescue the economy, nobody seems to know what he was there for. People IN HIS OWN PARTY could not explain to reporters what McCain's position actually is. Does he want to see a modification of the Paulson plan? Does he want something else altogether? Does he want a glass of warm milk, a blankie and a nap? There's no way of knowing, because he STILL hasn't taken a stand or made a statement that explains his specific concerns or criticisms on the bailout plan. After bringing the race for the White House to a grinding halt, forcibly party-crashing the proceedings on Capitol Hill, and pissing off David Letterman, there has been no result, no progress, no clarity. NOTHING.

I am at a complete loss. How can he still have people of sound mind who would vote for him? I cannot, for the life of me, understand it. After this past 2 weeks, he appears to be something more than people may have bargained for. They wanted a maverick, and he really was one once. But now? Well, now he's just a loose cannon - a schizophrenic shape-shifter who changes gears so rapidly and recklessly that you can hear the engine grinding from miles away. Careening like a geriatric pinball from talking point ("The fundamentals of our economy are still basically strong") to talking point ("America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system"), contradicting himself in ways that cannot possibly be ignored or explained rationally. Throwing out half-baked ideas, one after another, in a desperate attempt to sound like he's being decisive - let's form a commission! No, wait - let's fire the head of the SEC! Oooh, no, I got it - we should try that newfangled "oversight" thingy I've heard so much about! Yeah, that's the ticket!

This is not what should happen. This man has sold himself as the man with the plan, the one who could get things done, the reformer, the bipartisan enabler, the voice of experience and know-how. I ask you, in all honesty and in all seriousness: have his judgment, his demeanor, his actions, his words, his entire response to the economic meltdown, impressed anyone as being good enough? With so much at stake, and with so little room for error in the way this is handled, does it make ANYONE out there feel better to see how confused and erratic McCain's message has been? I don't know...I can only speak for myself, but this guy has me scared shitless. I know Obama's supposed to be the one with no experience, but McCain has failed spectacularly at his attempts to play the role of the capable leader in a time of crisis. The way he went from cluelessness about the true scope of the problem, to the other end of the spectrum where panic reigns and the sky is falling, just boggles the mind. And the childishness of suggesting that the debate should be called off, and that if things weren't resolved to his satisfation by Friday night, he wasn't gonna show up - well, that's just the most inane thing I've heard in a long time. To dictate to his opponent, the Debate Commission,  all his hosts in Mississippi who spent so much money, time and effort preparing for this event, and the American people that this debate could only go forward with his say is arrogant, presumptuous and outrageous, and one of the least presidential statements he could possibly have made.

I know there are voters who still -STILL! - feel he is the best choice to lead our nation out of its current circumstances and into better times. But based on this past couple of weeks alone, I don't think those people are basing their vote on McCain's abilities as much as they are basing it on a dislike of Barack Obama. There is nothing scarier than the idea that people would knowingly and willingly choose someone who is already screwing things up in Congress (they had a bailout deal in play before he showed up today), before he even gets elected, just to avoid voting for someone like Obama.

You know what, folks? Obama's not a Muslim. He's not a terrorist. He doesn't hate white people. He doesn't support extremists or radicals. He has known, and even worked with, people who have dubious views or conduct (just like John McCain). He himself has never shared those views or engaged in that sort of conduct (unlike John "Keating Five" McCain or Sarah "Troopergate/Witchcraft" Palin). He is a legal US citizen. His middle name is Hussein. He comes off as a bit too cocky sometimes. He has not been in Washington as long as his opponent has. He is liberal. He is black. And all things considered, he is the better choice in this presidential race, so put your country first and get over it.

The greatest show on earth?

That's it. I surrender. I've been MIA for several days now, just trying to keep up with the changing winds of this presidential race, and the economic crisis, and life in general. I would sit down to start a new blog post, and literally, within 5 or 10 minutes, I would hit "refresh" on my news browser and find that some new development had...well...developed. And whatever I had already written was suddenly obsolete, as a new pile of crazy came tumbling out of the sky.

Folks, I submit to you that this past couple of weeks have transformed this country in the worst kind of way. We are no longer looking at Washington or Wall Street. What we are now looking at is a nation that has become the biggest reality show in the history of mankind. We've got the loopy cast of characters, we've got the smackdowns between rivals, we've got the entire world tuned in 24/7, choosing their own "bad guys" to hiss and "good guys" to root for, and alternately laughing and crying at the drama of it all. The only thing we're missing is for Flavor Flav to show up and start mackin' on Sarah Palin.  

I love this country. I was raised to believe that it is a nation born of a courageous struggle for freedom, liberty and equality. But when I see the circus that has sprung up in the wake of the Wall Street meltdown and the bitter race for the White House, I am disgusted. The ringleader seems to be John McCain, as he encourages the chaos by changing his stance day to day (sometimes even hour to hour), and juggles platitudes, accusations and distractions in the center ring while fire shoots out of his ears, trying desperately to ensure that the spotlight stays on him at all times, by any means necessary.

Today's display was the most desperate yet, as McCain threatened to pull his participation in the first presidential debate this Friday night, so he could go to "Warshington" and hammer out an agreement to save the financial world. This, despite the fact that everybody who has already been in Washington, working on this bill for the past several days, doesn't really need him there.

Senator Chris Dodd, the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show this evening after President Bush's speech. He called out McCain for pulling yet another 180:

"I'm delighted that John is expressing himself on the issue. I've heard from Barack Obama on numerous occasions over the last number of days, calling...I know he's talked to Hank Paulson, and so he's been deeply involved and interested in how this is progressing. I've never heard from John McCain on the issue. That's why I'm delighted he's expressing some interest, and I'm a little concerned that while we're meeting - in fact, tomorrow morning at 10 AM, Republicans and Democrats in the House and the Senate are sitting down to try and finalize some of these particular points; we had a long meeting today, the Democratic Caucus in the Senate - and I'm just worried a little bit that sort of politicizing this problem, sort of flying in here...I'm beginning to think this is more about a rescue plan for John McCain than a rescue plan for the economy. So we're going to meet  tomorrow apparently at the White House, late in the afternoon, but candidly, a lot of us have been working for five straight days, around the clock, and I haven't heard a word from John McCain".

As for the House Democrats, Rep. Barney Frank (Financial Services Committee Chairman), summed it up in one sentence. Referring to McCain's threat to cancel his participation in the debate unless an agreement is reached by Friday night, he said, "It's the longest Hail Mary in the history of football or Marys".

So McCain tries to act as if he is transcending the political games, and putting his country first by suspending the campaign and postponing the debate while he attends to more pressing matters. When in reality, he has not even attempted to participate in the efforts to get a bill passed before now, nor has he even had a position on the issue that was consistent from day to day. He sputters, spins, and does what he can to keep changing the dialogue from the dismal economy (which is also dismal for his campaign) to...well, anything else at all.

On the other hand, Barack Obama has been constant and calm, true to his past voting record and to his plans and proposals, refusing to pander or to backpedal. He remains assured and assuring, and he acts like someone who expects to deal with these types of crises as president and is unafraid to do so.

The circus is getting louder by the minute, with new dirt about McCain's campaign staff being discussed every day and McCain shouting at the top of his lungs to drown out those discussions; with poll numbers slipping and McCain turning up the volume on new attack ads; with the media scrutinizing him and his running mate and McCain disparaging their journalistic credibility...the noise is beginning to overwhelm those of us who are trying our best to pay attention.

Yet in the midst of this unholy din, Obama is resolute. He is cautious. He is thoughtful. And instead of panic, he is offering a steady presence and a real hope that Congress can agree on a bill that will satisfy both the needs of the marketplace and the needs of average Americans. It's hard to believe, but it is his quiet response that seems to be cutting through the noisy blasts from McCain's camp and reaching the ears of voters. Polls taken over the past several days indicate that most Americans trust Obama's ideas on the economy, rather than McCain's. In addition, Obama picked up the electoral lead for the first time in key battleground states like Michigan, Colorado and Pennsylvania.

Of course, this is all subject to change again in the next 5 minutes or so. I guess we'll all have to tune in to "As The U.S. Turns" tomorrow to find out if the debate will go on, if Congressional agreement on a bailout bill can be reached, and if Flavor Flav and Sarah Palin will live happily ever after. Don't touch that dial...

McCain is the Madonna of politics

OK, I know I said that my next post would focus on the current economic freakout that we're all dealing with, but I started putting it together and realized that there were so many facts to check before I posted anything. I am all about getting it right as much as possible, but the situation is incredibly complex, and going back in time to figure out how it happened and who fell asleep at the wheel is a long process. I reckon the world can wait another day or so for my 2 cents on that subject. :-)


So in the meantime, something else occured to me. While I've been watching the candidates react to the week's economic events, I've noticed a real distinction between them. Barack Obama has not wavered on anything he's said on the campaign trail, or even on anything he said or did during his terms in elected office. He has been consistent, confident  and clear on his positions,  with a focus on outlining some specific actions he intends to take to address the issues we face (including job growth through the development of new industries like renewable energy and stem cell research, tax relief for all families making less than $250,000 per year, support for fair pay for women and minimum wage earners, and a reinstatement of pay-as-you-go federal budget rules - click here to read more about the PAYGO rules).

John McCain, on the other hand, has found himself struggling to explain his position, offers little or no detail to clarify his economic plan, and often contradicts both his past voting record and his recent campaign rhetoric. He wants desperately to distance himself from the Republicans who have run the economy for the better part of the past eight years, and this is understandable - aligining yourself with the guys who set the stage for the biggest economic crash in America since the 1930's sure isn't a good idea in an election year.

The reinvention of John McCain makes me think of another prominent American who has based her entire career on changing her image - Madonna. In fact, I realized that you can actually use Madonna's songs to illustrate the key points about John McCain's candidacy. I know it sounds weird, but go with me here, people...


It appears that John McCain wants to pretend the past 26 years of his Washington career never happened, and that he is politically born again - a blank slate, pure as the driven snow, just waiting to bring an untainted agenda to the White House. This idea of casting off his past record is merely an attempt to fool the public into trusting him as an agent of "reform". He has been banking on the assumption that most voters are either too ignorant to know better, or that they have short memories. Unfortunately, he may be right. But he wants nothing more right now than to convince us all that he is truly a "maverick", someone who stands up against the Republicans and doesn't blindly follow their party line. Sort of like...oh, I don't know...a DEMOCRAT or something. He hopes we will ignore his 26 years as a Washington insider, and all those ties to the administrative blunders of the past 8 years. We should look upon him not as a part of that failed system, but as an outsider...someone fresh and new, whose greatest asset is not his past legislative record but rather the promise of future greatness. You know, like that Barack Obama guy!

During this campaign, John McCain has repeatedly asked us to follow him to Bizzaro World, where everything is the opposite of what it usually is. His campaign has shifted from a focus on "experience" to a focus on "change". He has publicly vowed to run "a respectful campaign", and then sunk to running what have been called some of the "sleaziest ads" ever seen. He hyped up his "Straight Talk Express", promising to demonstrate transparency in his campaign by allowing extensive access to the press...instead, he has kept them at bay and hasn't held a press conference for 35 days now, favoring staged rallies instead. He seems to be gunning for a world record in flip-flopping; this week alone, he called the economy fundamentally "strong" and declared a state of economic "crisis", he went from being a deregulator to a champion of government oversight, and he agreed with the governmental AIG bailout right after expressing his disapproval of that bailout. It makes your head hurt, it really does. Who knows - if he keeps pushing this line long enough, there may be people out there who buy his retooled image as someone who really can bring change to Washington - even though HE IS Washington.


The one thing that's crucial to McCain's rebranding is separating himself from George W. Bush. But that's not so easy to do when you've been in bed with the guy for the better part of a decade. I mean, seriously...McCain's lipstick is all over Dubya's collar (not that we want to get into more "lipstick" analogies right now).  He has criticized the Bush administration, vowing to "right the wrongs" done by the president - BUT he supported Bush consistently during the past 8 years and voted with him more than 90% of the time. More important than his past acceptance of Bush's policies is his failure to outline how he'd change them in the future. Both Democratic and Republican strategists agree that there is no discernible difference between Bush's stand on every single issue (including the economy, the war on terror, health care, education, etc.) and McCain's stand. If they've been so closely alligned for so long, how can we believe that McCain won't be just four more years of Bush?


Throughout this race, John McCain has only seen a surge in his poll numbers once...after the start of the phenmomenon known as "Palinmania". Sarah Palin's initial impression on the public was sensational, and created a great deal of enthusiasm and interest where there had been little or none. But in the weeks since her nomination, the bubble has started to deflate. And guess what? We're right back where we started, with the candidates neck and neck in most polls, and McCain's solo campaign appearances being greeted with small, respectful crowds. Only when Palin joins him is there any sign of the excitement that was on display at the Republican convention. With several long weeks left before election day, and more information about Sarah Palin's past track record coming to light on a regular basis, it's highly possible that the Palin factor may have already peaked and begun its inevitable decline.


On the subject of Palin, need we remind ourselves that McCain is a 72-year-old man, with recurring health problems? And that next in line for the presidency is...Sarah Palin? Just sayin'.


Man, if there's a better title to describe McCain's economic policies, I can't think of one. In the face of monstrous market upheaval, billion-dollar bailouts on the taxpayers' dime, crisis-level issues in real estate, banking and insurance, rising unemployment, falling value of the US dollar, and multiple other signs of trouble in America, John McCain's plan is...well, we don't exactly know WHAT it is, because he doesn't actually know what it is yet either. As his senior policy adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, said on Tuesday, "I don't think it's imperative at this moment to write down what the plan should be." This is an actual quote, people! I can't make this stuff up! So on the same day that our nation was reeling from the Wall Street meltdown, this guy tells us that an actual, spelled-out plan, with details and stuff, isn't really a necessity right now. Heck, let's leave that fancy-pants type of stuff to the intellectual elitists, like that Barack Obama guy! Sweet baby Jesus in a peach treee...and we thought McCain was throwing the ultimate Hail Mary pass by choosing Palin as his veep. But no! He was saving the best for last - a Hail Mary pass for the economic future of America! Whatta maverick!

I dunno, folks...I know McCain's a Gambler, but he just Can't Stop digging himself Deeper And Deeper into a hole every time he opens his mouth. All these 180-degree turnarounds are Causing A Commotion, and he's not giving me too many reasons to Justify My Love. Papa Don't Preach - it's high time for an Act Of Contrition after all you've gotten wrong. I realize it's Human Nature to be in denial about your past mistakes, but seriously,'re definitely Guilty By Association. And in November, we'll be teaching you The Power Of Goodbye.
