Hey folks –
Well, it’s official…I think I’ve OD’ed on political news coverage. I have been up late every night this week, keeping an eye on all the information that’s been swirling around. From Obama’s chat with Bill O’Reilly to the National Service Forum last night, through Lipstickgate and Palin’s interview, I’ve been ingesting every last morsel and I think it’s beginning to catch up with me.
So I think what I’ll do is post something a bit lighter today, and take the weekend off. I was finding some funny political lolz at http://icanhascheezburger.com, and I even made a couple of my own (the Palin ones are mine), so I thought I’d share them with ya. Scroll all the way down the page to see 'em and have a little chuckle! If you haven’t tried it yet, making these images up is pretty fun, so give it a try and if you come up with something funny, please feel free to post them here. I always encourage sharing with the class here on my blog.
I’ll recharge my batteries over the next coupla days and be back with some new posts next week. Enjoy your weekend y’all!

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