I have to take a moment out of my day to thank Bob Herbert for this piece. It is a wonderful gift to all of us who feel like outcasts in a nation we did so much to help build. Seeing the American ideals of tolerance, compassion and generosity for our fellow citizens being ridiculed and demonized by the Republicans has made me both sad and disgusted. But remember, people often attack most vehemently those things which they most fear. The GOP is desperately afraid of losing control in Washington, and they are afraid of the true agents of change from the left who challenge that power. Moreover, the McCain campaign is selling this fear to America, attempting to convince voters that sending a liberal to the White House would be a disaster. Unfortunately, that message is succeeding far too often and with far too many people. It may well be that this fearmongering will win over the majority of voters, and condemn us all to another term of financial instability, low employment, declining health care and education, bitter divisiveness and the further erosion of many of our Constitutionally-supported liberties and protections.
How has the GOP has managed this success? Simple. Since the economy is so troubling to so many of us, the Republican's ultimate success depends on their ability to paint liberals as fiscally irresponsible. So Republicans continue to spread the line about "tax-and-spend liberals" every chance they get. Democrats need to nip that issue in the bud immediately. Perhaps Obama and some of the media pundits can start using the phrase "borrow-and-spend conservatives", so it can be pointed out that, despite the tax cuts that George Bush (and John McCain) support, government spending has been rampant and reckless over the past 8 years. Republicans are using smoke and mirrors to trick voters into thinking that liberals will, somehow, make more of an economic mess than the GOP has under George Bush.
Yes, there are programs and issues that will require funding. Obama and the Democrats are not denying that fact. But, unlike conservatives, who contend that it makes more sense to borrow money and rack up trillions of dollars in debt to nations like China, liberals have this crazy idea that Americans should be asked to look out for themselves, rather than being beholden to foreign interests, and to contribute toward the nation's well-being in a manner proportional to their ability to do so.
Nobody likes paying taxes, but how can McCain or any conservative keep a straight face while defending the effectiveness of their tax cuts? How can you look an economically ravaged American public in the eye and attack a liberal plan that would ask for more from the uppermost level of income earners so that 95% of Americans could receive a tax break? It truly defies logic, yet the "tax-and-spend" label still causes many voters to panic simply because it's the alarm call used so often by the right. Obama, his supporters and the media need to re-educate the public so they can see that there's spending on both sides, but only one side is being honest about the most fair and sensible way to pay for it. "Borrow-and-spend conservatives" have been killing our economy for eight years. instead of being embarrassed when someone call us liberals, it's time to be proud, and it's time to fight back.

ok then sister. game on! good post for a liberal. lol but i dont hear the fat lady yet. :) you know where to find me.
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