Dear Senator McCain and Governor Palin,
I am ashamed of you. If you had any sense, you'd both be ashamed of yourselves as well. Your contempt for Barack Obama is one thing. Your contempt for American voters, as well as your contempt for the election process, is what most concerns me. You have no clue about the true extent of the damage that you have done, and are still doing, as you drag the nation deeper and deeper into the mud.
Your campaign stops are increasingly shrill and ugly, as you stand before crowds and cameras, denouncing Barack Obama's relationship with William Ayers. You criticize Obama for knowing and working with a man who became infamous for his blatant displays of hatred and anger against his perceived enemy, America. Yet you do so knowing that it will inflame similar feelings of hatred and anger among many of your supporters - hatred and anger against their perceived enemy, an enemy you have created by demonizing Barack Obama. What gall you have shown in endorsing and encouraging one type of hate over another.
And how narrow your view of life must be. Do you really think this is all about winning in November? How single-minded and ingorant you both are to think that these tactics only affect this election, or the people within our nation. The world is watching us, and they are laughing themselves to death. They see a populace divded by its own government, and they see your polarizing style of "leadership", and they hear the vitriol spewing forth from your lips, and they know America has started to hit rock bottom. Our allies fear for us and wonder if we will ever get back to being a leader worth following. And our enemies? Well, you "Country First" mavericks are basically handing our asses to our enemies on a silver platter. They know they don't have much work left to do. If they sit back long enough and leave us to our own devices, we will simply destroy ourselves from within, as the two factions you helped to create within the American public fight each other and try to tear each other down, and our fragile hopes for tolerance and unity give way to finger-pointing, fear and loathing. These are the seeds you are sowing with every word you speak as you try to discredit your opponent, and you must be ready to take responsibility when the bitter, poisonous fruit of your efforts begins to grow.
Don't tell me you didn't know it would come to this. You knew full well that there are many people out there who already had a lot of worries and distress brewing in their psyches, and they want someone to blame. They want to get angry. You certainly knew, as well, that there are already many people who have an issue with the idea that an African-American could possibly become our next president. They just needed permission to freely express their bigoted viewpoints. Well, you gave them that. Now that the door is open, you can't really go back and close it.
And just look at the people who are starting to walk through it: hecklers who yell out wildly inappropriate things - including threats and calls for violence - and who feel emboldened by your thinly veiled racial messages. Is this the demographic you were hoping to capture? Is this truly the America you hope to lead? Take a look at the type of person you're currently pandering to, the kind of guy whose vote you're selling yourselves out to get:
OCTOBER 8--Angered by a delay in the receipt of his voter registration card, a Louisiana man today threatened to shoot election officials, claiming that he urgently needed to cast a ballot to "keep the n*gger out of office," according to police. Wade Williams, 75, was arrested this morning on a felony terrorizing charge after allegedly calling the Registrar of Voters and warning that he would come to the state office and empty his shotgun unless he got his registration card. Using profanity and racial slurs, Williams told a state official "about needing to vote to 'keep the n*gger out of office," according to an Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office affidavit, a copy of which you'll find here. Though the document does not name the candidate to which Williams is so violently opposed, it seems likely he was referring to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. After being arrested at his Monroe home, Williams was booked into the Ouachita Correctional Center, where the below mug shot was snapped. En route to the jail, he "continued his 'tirade' about niggers and also stated that he had a shotgun, but had it hidden at his residence," reported Lt. Michael Judd.

Take a good, long look at this guy's face. Look at the sorry-ass, backwards thinkers that you are expressly trying to win over with your smear campaigns. You both want to win no matter what, so you're running a truly ugly race, targeting the ugliest underbelly of American society. Surely there can be no pride in such a vctory, but I guess you're happy enough to take whatever you can get at this point.
I am encouraged by the fact that you are failing in your efforts, and by the fact that the likelihood of you winning the election is dwindling more and more each day. But even though you will probably lose, I want you to know how disgusted I am by your recent antics. You are campaigning in a manner that shows no dignity, no respect for your opponent, no respect for the American public, and no respect for yourselves. All I can hope is that you'll get exactly what you deserve on November 4th.

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