Oh, how I've waited for this day..the Palin/Biden face-off is tonight's Must See TV, and expectations are running high (or low, depending on how you look at it). I can't remember being so stoked for a vice-presidential debate since...well...EVER. I realize that the debate is actually pretty inconsequential - I can't imagine anyone changing their mind or their vote based on anything that may happen tonight. Still, for pure entertainment value, this could be hard to beat.
I would not actually bet on a full-scale nosedive from either candidate, to be honest. I think that Sarah Palin has been prepped within an inch of her life, and that she will have absorbed enough advice and strategy from her handlers to get her safely through an hour and a half. Plus, she probably had someone from her church in Wasilla flown out to meet her before the debate, so they can lay hands on her and pray for her to be victorious, and to steer clear of all forms of witchcraft. I think that it might go a little somethin' like this (man, this crazy shit never gets old!):
As for Biden...well, he's always got a solid chance of saying something wildly off-base, but hopefully he will rein himself in and deliver, and not get too cowed by his opponent. I realize he's at an immediate disadvantage, because she might play the "sexism" card if things seem over her head, but he really ought to treat her the same way he would treat a male opponent. It's only fair and that's not an unrealistic standard to apply in this situation. And if she can't take it, that's kinda tough.
As Willy Wonka once said, "The suspense is terrible. I hope it'll last." I can't wait to see the debate, but at the same time, I already know what a downer it'll be when it's over. What the hell will I have to look forward to after that? Even if Palin does crash and burn - especially if she does, though I don't really think she will - I'll be a bit disappointed, just because that would be the final nail in her coffin, and she would just fade from the scene as much as possible after that. Just imagine: no more interviews, no more babbling, no more embarrassing blunders, no more Tina Fey skits on SNL...how scary is that, huh? it's gotten to the point, over the past few weeks, where I crave a shot of Sarah Stupidity just to get myself going in the morning, the way some people crave coffee. If the supply of Stupid suddenly disappeared, I simply wouldn't know what to do with myself!
So let's all take a moment and pause to reflect on the gift Sarah Palin has brought us all...the gift of Stupid. Maybe she'll survive and be a fixture on the Stupid radar for years to come...but just in case things go wrong for her tonight, I got backup. Whenever you need a fix, just help yourself to this video:
*sigh* It was probably too good to last, anyway......

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